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How to Fix EA Desktop App Won't Launch Error Message in Windows 10

The EA Desktop App is a gaming platform that allows users to access and play their favorite Electronic Arts games. However, some users may encounter
How to Fix EA Desktop App Won't Launch Error Message in Windows 10

The EA Desktop App is a gaming platform that allows users to access and play their favorite Electronic Arts games. However, some users may encounter an error message preventing the app from launching, which can be frustrating and prevent them from enjoying their games. In this article, we will provide solutions to fix the EA Desktop App won't launch error message in Windows 10. Whether the issue is caused by system requirements, outdated software, or third-party antivirus software, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve the problem and get back to gaming. So, if you're experiencing this issue, keep reading to find out how to fix it.

Check your System Requirements

The EA Desktop App has specific system requirements that must be met in order for the app to launch and function properly. These requirements include minimum specifications for the operating system, processor, memory, graphics card, and storage. To ensure that your system meets these requirements, you can visit EA's website and use their system requirements checker tool.

If the tool indicates that your system does not meet the minimum requirements, you may need to upgrade your hardware to use the EA Desktop App. This may include upgrading your processor, adding more memory or storage, or upgrading your graphics card. By ensuring that your system meets the minimum requirements, you can ensure that the app will launch and function properly. Please also read Troubleshooting Tips For EA Desktop App Won't Launch Error Message on Windows and MA

Update the EA Desktop App

Outdated software can sometimes cause errors and prevent the EA Desktop App from launching properly. Updating the app to the latest version can often fix these issues. Here's how to update the EA Desktop App:

  • Open the EA Desktop App on your Windows 10 computer.
  • Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the app and select "Application Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll down to the "About" section and click on "Check for updates."
  • If an update is available, click on the "Update" button.
  • Wait for the update to download and install. This may take several minutes depending on the size of the update.
  • Once the update is complete, restart the EA Desktop App and check if the error message has been resolved.

Screenshots can be very helpful for providing visual guidance to users. Here's an example of what the update process may look like in the EA Desktop App:

update process may look like in the EA Desktop App

By following these steps, you should be able to update the EA Desktop App and resolve any issues caused by outdated software.

Disable Third-Party Antivirus Software

Third-party antivirus software can sometimes interfere with the EA Desktop App and prevent it from launching properly. To see if this is the cause of the issue, you can temporarily disable your antivirus software and check if the app launches. Here's how to disable antivirus software temporarily:

  1. Locate the antivirus software icon in the taskbar or system tray of your Windows 10 computer.
  2. Right-click on the icon and select "Disable" or "Turn Off" from the context menu. If you don't see these options, you may need to open the antivirus software and find the option to disable it.
  3. Select the duration for which you want to disable the antivirus software. Choose the shortest duration possible to minimize your computer's vulnerability to threats.
  4. Click "OK" or "Apply" to confirm the changes.

Once you've disabled your antivirus software, try launching the EA Desktop App again to see if the error message has been resolved. If the app launches successfully, you can re-enable your antivirus software by following the same steps and selecting "Enable" or "Turn On" instead of "Disable."

It's important to note that disabling antivirus software can leave your computer vulnerable to threats. Therefore, it's recommended that you re-enable your antivirus software as soon as possible after testing the EA Desktop App.

Delete the App Cache folder

Corrupted App Cache files can sometimes cause errors with the EA Desktop App. Deleting the App Cache folder can help resolve these issues. Here's how to delete the App Cache folder:

  • Close the EA Desktop App if it's currently running.
  • Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type "%appdata%" (without quotes) in the Run dialog box and press Enter. This will open the Roaming folder.
  • Navigate to the "EA Desktop" folder.
  • Locate the "AppCache" folder and delete it.
  • Restart the EA Desktop App and check if the error message has been resolved.

It's important to note that deleting the App Cache folder will remove any cached data stored by the app. However, the folder will be recreated automatically once the app is launched again. By deleting the folder, you're essentially clearing the cache and starting fresh, which can sometimes help resolve issues with the app.

If the issue persists even after deleting the App Cache folder, you may need to try other solutions such as updating the app or checking your system requirements.

H2: Reinstall the EA Desktop App

If none of the previous solutions have fixed the EA Desktop App won't launch error message in Windows 10, reinstalling the app may be necessary. Here's how to uninstall and reinstall the EA Desktop App:

  1. Press the Windows key + X on your keyboard to open the Quick Link menu.
  2. Select "Apps and Features" from the menu.
  3. Scroll down to find the EA Desktop App and click on it.
  4. Click on "Uninstall" and follow the prompts to uninstall the app.
  5. Once the app is uninstalled, restart your computer.
  6. Visit the EA Desktop App website and download the latest version of the app.
  7. Follow the prompts to install the app on your Windows 10 computer.
  8. Restart your computer again and launch the EA Desktop App.

By reinstalling the app, you're essentially starting fresh with a clean installation. This can often fix any underlying issues that may have been causing the error message. If the issue persists even after reinstalling the app, you may need to contact EA support for further assistance.

It's important to note that uninstalling the app will remove all data associated with it, including any saved games or progress. Make sure to back up any important data before uninstalling the app.


In this article, we provided solutions to fix the EA Desktop App won't launch error message in Windows 10. We discussed the importance of checking your system requirements, updating the app, disabling third-party antivirus software, deleting the AppCache folder, and reinstalling the app. By following these solutions, users can resolve the error message and get back to gaming.

We encourage users to try these solutions before contacting EA support. However, if the issue persists, users should not hesitate to contact EA support for further assistance. The support team can provide more advanced solutions and troubleshoot the issue with you.

In conclusion, by understanding the potential causes of the EA Desktop App won't launch error message and utilizing the solutions provided in this article, users can get back to enjoying their favorite games without interruption.


1. What is the EA Desktop App?

The EA Desktop App is a gaming platform that allows users to access and play their favorite Electronic Arts games.

2. Why am I seeing an error message preventing the EA Desktop App from launching in Windows 10?

There are several potential causes for this issue, including outdated software, corrupted files, system requirements not being met, or third-party antivirus software interfering with the app.

3. How can I fix the EA Desktop App won't launch error message in Windows 10?

Some solutions to try include checking your system requirements, updating the app, disabling third-party antivirus software, deleting the AppCache folder, and reinstalling the app.

4. What should I do if the solutions provided in this article do not fix the issue?

If the issue persists, you should contact EA support for further assistance. The support team can provide more advanced solutions and troubleshoot the issue with you.

5. Will reinstalling the EA Desktop App delete my saved games or progress?

Yes, uninstalling the app will remove all data associated with it, including any saved games or progress. Make sure to back up any important data before uninstalling the app.