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Abortion Survivors Network: Support For Those Who Survived Abortion

abortion survivors network

Abortion is a sensitive topic that has been debated for years. While many argue that it is a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, others believe that every life is valuable and should be protected. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, one thing is clear: there are people who have survived abortion. These survivors often face physical and emotional challenges, but they do not have to face them alone. The Abortion Survivors Network is an organization that provides support and resources for those who have survived abortion.


  • What is the Abortion Survivors Network?
  • The Abortion Survivors Network is an organization that provides support and resources for those who have survived abortion.

  • How many people have survived abortion?
  • It is difficult to know exact numbers, but it is estimated that there are thousands of abortion survivors in the United States alone.

  • What kind of challenges do abortion survivors face?
  • Abortion survivors may face physical challenges such as birth defects or health complications. They may also face emotional challenges such as feelings of abandonment or identity issues.

  • Is the Abortion Survivors Network religiously affiliated?
  • No, the Abortion Survivors Network is a secular organization that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds.

  • Can men be a part of the Abortion Survivors Network?
  • Yes, the Abortion Survivors Network welcomes both men and women who have survived abortion.

  • Are there any fees to join the Abortion Survivors Network?
  • No, membership to the Abortion Survivors Network is free.

  • What kind of resources does the Abortion Survivors Network provide?
  • The Abortion Survivors Network provides a community of support, access to mental health resources, and advocacy for abortion survivors.

  • How can I get involved with the Abortion Survivors Network?
  • You can visit their website to learn more about their organization and how to get involved.


One of the biggest pros of the Abortion Survivors Network is that it provides a community of support for individuals who have survived abortion. This community can help individuals feel less alone and provide a safe space to discuss their experiences. Additionally, the Abortion Survivors Network provides access to mental health resources and advocates for the rights of abortion survivors.


If you or someone you know has survived abortion, it is important to seek out support. The Abortion Survivors Network is a great resource, but there are also other organizations and individuals who can provide support. Do not be afraid to reach out and ask for help.


The Abortion Survivors Network is an organization that provides support and resources for individuals who have survived abortion. This organization is secular and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds. If you or someone you know has survived abortion, it is important to seek out support. The Abortion Survivors Network is just one resource that can help individuals feel less alone and provide access to mental health resources.